Comments on New font with Unicode-compatible Creative Commons license symbols

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Thanks for making this font! I’m using the TTF version on my local system and the WOFF versions on my Web site. I noticed a small flaw with the article’s page. At the bottom, it says

> Unless otherwise stated, source code printed in this article is licensed under a CC0 1.0 License.

CC0 is a public domain dedication, not a license. See

(Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer. This isn’t legal advise.)

That text at the bottom is generated from a template. I agree it doesn’t make complete sense. However, I live in Europe: I can’t even legally waive my copyrights. So, it’s more of a statement of intent to use the Public Domain deed as a license/contract under which the work can be used. Which is why I include my name and the copyright statement along with the link to the CC0 deed. (I’m not aware of any better options.)


Thank you very much! This was very much needed!