Comments on How to change the keyboard layout on the MacOS login screen

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Tim Kaufmann

It also works in Monterey 12.1, thanks!


This actually worked - thank you! Finally get Dvorak-Qwerty to show up at login screen. That's been bugging me for months.

Jose Ruano

Working on Monterey 12.1, thank you!!


Hi I'm on Big Sur 11.6 and it still doesn't work. I don't see the gear even when i add a third or fourth language. I still only see Azerty French on the login screen instead of American like I want.



I cant make the gear button to show. i tried all the methods above, please contact me in email if u know any solution. btw im trying to add a custom keyboard with ukulele and i created the layout file and paste is and everything but cuz ot that is an "other" keyboard layout i cant remove the primary one.

Bill Pollard

This is no longer helpful in Ventura with Apple M2 silicon, but I very much appreciate your having taken the time to share this obscure but, to some users, very important information.


"In Sonoma, you can click the keyboard layout indicator in the top right of the screen on the login screen and make adjustments there. The keyboard settings made there will persist directly from that screen if you login immediately after applying the changes."

I found this post after searching for help. I had US and Latin Am keyboards and at some time my system changed to booting with LA keyboard layout. When I figured out what was happening on my log in attempts. But it doesn't stick. Every reboot resets it back to Latin Am. I finally deleted the layout after seeing that the suggestion here [what I was already doing] makes no difference. I only had it for attempting Spanish lessons, which I'm not doing right now.