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Congratulations! Vivaldi is my primary browser, and an excellent one too. I don't even have a prior connection from being an Opera user.


Congratulations! I've followed your blog for some time and this can only mean good things for Vivaldi.


Web panels were highlighted in your post as one of the most unique features that distinguishes Vivaldi among other browsers.

To me, pinned tabs (or even stacked pinned tabs on Vivaldi - a recent feature) that always stick to the viewer's current screen achieve the same end of having some sites for easy checking of whatever needs or interests without necessarily being loaded in the background.

On a older machine with lots of tabs but with only a handful of them loaded into memory, it compares very unfavorably to other browsers such as Edge and Firefox(developer edition) being way worse at starting up and its responsiveness under such usage is even much more noticeable by the longer times waiting for unfreezing of the window(especially when in a video playback scenario).

On my end, it seems that Vivaldi regressed way to much in performance somewhere after version 3(which is why nowadays i use it rarely). It could be because of my "css mods" but i doubt that CSS would be causing those issues. Creating a new profile without mods would help to diagnose what's really happening, but I'm not doing it at this time.

All of these bundled bells and whistles(like the productivity features of mail, calendar , feeds and notes - that I don't use but perhaps they make browser's use heavier in memory, CPU and GPU nonetheless.

Not only that but also the UI customisations related to panels, tabs, settings and all the JS libraries and code that all the above requires must have some impact.

Does Vivaldi team listen to its users? Are forums a reliable (and only) way of making Vivaldi more reliable, modular, future-proof, performative and secure?

In my view telemetry, benchmarks and making productivity features standalone(web sites, mobile app, desktop app) could help achieve those gains - one can only hope to optimize which he can measure right?

On the other hand, users are free to leave to browsers that do much more computationally with the fewest resources - have you seen their Youtube short that "mocks" heavy tab users for being responsible for crashes(so one can conclude that those users are not considered - but then Vivaldi will have presumably an harder time reaching other users and remain a niche browser, because techies can have a role in popularizing it and guiding its dev. since they can push their apps and browsers to limits that can make apparent the optimizations that will benefit the whole user base in future roadmaps).

On a final note, I'm also interested in the very same productivity features as you do, but I choose to use those in standalone web, desktop and/or mobile apps.

Happy QA at Vivaldi and your 2023 endeavors.


As someone who uses Vivaldi as his main browser, I would like to congratulate you. The web panels you highlighted are one of the top features for me. I use them primarily for home automation.

Claudio Bichuetti

Heh, I'm not totally surprised, as talent attracts talent. I wish you a great journey there!


Having been Opera Presto user and now Vivaldi you are a great choice for the company and likeminded communiy who follow your blog.

Powerful Tabs and Feeds in Vivaldi is my primary feature.

I wish you a great journey there! Good luck!


I tried Vivaldi for 5 minutes and noticed that `await navigator.getBattery()` returns an exact response just like Chrome. That's when I knew they're pretty far off from their privacy claims.


I love the promise of Vivaldi, unfortunately it takes a very long time for a feature they include to become good enough and the Chromium lineage causes a lot of issues (like poor text rendering or abysmally bad extensions API)

what I do like are configurable hotkeys (so we don't have to adhere to the Chromium insanity that Mozilla decided to use too), mouse gestures that actually work and easy way of removing these pesky close tab buttons

what I don't like are incomplete support of uBO, inability to move extension buttons separately and don't get me started with the mobile app... sure, it handles text scaling properly out of the box (most of chrome-like doesn't) but the UI is just off and lack of extensions hurts